PhaseShift Digital Game Manual Download — Phase|Shift

PhaseShift Digital Game Manual Download

PhaseShift Digital Game Manual Download


PhaseShift Game Manual (Version 1.7).
A SciFi/Fantasy Hybrid RPG System

This manual is all you need to play the game! It explains the rules, gives character options, and provides a helpful character creation guide!

The newly released 1.7 TURBO EDITION features all-new and updated artwork!


What is Phase Shift?

Well, let me tell you.

The simplest answer? It's a game. A slightly more descriptive answer? It's a tabletop RPG system. What makes Phase Shift different from other RPGs? The amazing, incredible, and insane game designers behind this have designed Phase Shift to keep gameplay as simple as possible while maximizing player customization and creativity. Our rolling system is streamlined to keep things moving as quickly as possible. Each class has abilities that are extremely effective in their own way, so no player feels left out at character creation. For instance, even a Runner, who isn’t built to directly kill enemies, can make a fight completely one-sided by stealing an enemy’s weapons and armor or redirecting a giant energy cannon to fire back at the person who fired it. And all that can be done as a 0-XP character.


And what makes Phase Shift so easy to play? Well, before you roll, you know exactly what number you have to hit. Roll a d20, add your bonuses, and if your total is 15 or higher, congratulations! You succeeded on whatever you were trying to do. While some more difficult actions might require you to roll more d20s and hit a higher number, you’re still doing the same basic process.


“But what about the setting?” you might ask. Excellent question, reader. You sure know how to get to the heart of the matter. Phase Shift is set far in the future, in a universe where magic and science are intertwined and inseparable after two dimensions merged. Magic is quantifiably real and magical fields can be manipulated by scientific instruments. You can build a doom cannon that runs on soul power, and perform complex repairs on robots with a single magical spell. A side effect of the Merger was also that gods from previous dimensions took physical form and became empowered by those who worship them. Generally speaking, the galaxy is mostly in chaos. Areas of the galaxy are generally controlled by factions, but for the most part there’s no government strong enough to control and/or cover up all of the cosmic horrors that keep showing up. Generally, players belong to a mercenary organization known as the GDMA, working for the Galactic Federation, which is the closest to a unified government that the galaxy has, which gives players pretty much free rein to be however psychotic they want to be, as long as they basically get the job done. The GDMA has some great malpractice attorneys.


So how do you run a game? Well, someone has to step up and offer to be the Game Master, who comes up with the adventure and guides players through it. Being a GM requires patience, flexibility, and creativity. You’ll have to be dealing with the players, who are preposterously powerful, and while you’re technically controlling their enemies, your job is to challenge the players enough to make sure everything is actually fun for everyone involved. You’ll also have to improvise a bit as to how the adventure will be going, as Phase Shift is notorious for ruining even the best-laid plans. If you don’t have something prepared for every conceivable eventuality (you shouldn't), you’ll have to improvise. Also, if an Arcanist or Psychic is in the party, you’ll have to essentially haggle with them over the effects of their spells or powers. It’s actually a lot easier than it sounds if you prepare a bit in advance. See the GM Guide in the back for more information on how to properly run a game. Don’t worry about it too much, though, as even monstrosities of games in Phase Shift tend to get extremely entertaining.